Add Your Voice 1697

Add Your Voice

It is day 9 of the Use Your Voice advocacy challenge and ANA's Hill Day!

Today hundreds of nurses will be in Washington, D.C., meeting with lawmakers. Follow along virtually on Twitter with #ANAHillDay and add your voice! Personalize a template email to your lawmaker about key issues HERE. You can also tweet at them or call their offices to let them know that the issues these nurses are discussing are important to you. Don't forget to use #ANAHillDay and #BedsideandBeyond

Consider joining us in next year's Hill Day or make plans to visit your elected representatives local offices if you can't make it to Washington - and YES, you can do that. Just call them up and make that request. Learn more here.

Find this helpful? Share it with a nurse by using the social media links on the left side of this page to invite them to sign up for the Use Your Voice advocacy challenge and join us on day 9.

Join Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™! An initiative to get our nation's 4 million nurses healthier.  
Blog Challenge Tips 06/21/2018 11:33am CDT

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