Move Your Body, Clear Your Mind Challenge, Sponsored By Humana - Day 3 - Try A Flower Scavenger Hunt 4454

Move Your Body, Clear Your Mind Challenge, Sponsored By Humana - Day 3 - Try A Flower Scavenger Hunt

Spring is a season of renewal, growth, and blooming flowers. It’s the perfect time to explore nature and discover the floral beauties in your area. Get outside for a walk today, and as you stroll, keep your eyes peeled for the bright, colorful variations of common spring flowers.

Keep a checklist of these flowers in your phone and try to spot each one. Mark off this checklist as you see each item:
  • Flowers that are pink, white, purple, or yellow
  • A tree full of blooming flowers
  • A flower with symmetrical petals
  • A flower with asymmetrical petals
  • Your favorite flower
  • A flower that hangs upside-down
  • A cluster of tiny flowers
  • A bud about to bloom
  • A bloom that has fallen off the stem

Science shows that flowers benefit our emotional well-being and make us happier. So not only is your body benefiting from increased steps and physical activity, but stopping to smell the tulips is literally doing your mind and your emotions some good.

Share your favorite flower with us in our challenge update thread here, in our private Facebook group, or on Twitter, or Instagram (tag us with #healthynurse!). 

Find this helpful? Use the social media tools on the left to invite a nurse to do it with you! 

Missed day 2? Catch up here! Join us on day 4!

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Blog Challenge Tips 05/03/2023 6:06am CDT

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