Take Stock 4543

Take Stock

Welcome to the Level Up Challenge, sponsored by Humana!

Before you can take your healthy habits to the next level, let’s take inventory.

Think of today’s task as examining the roots before the tree grows taller. What are you currently doing that’s improving your mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual well-being? Knowing where you stand now empowers you to improve and stretch your healthy behaviors to new heights.

How to take stock of your healthy habits:
  1. Grab a pen and paper: Having something tangible to write on can make your thoughts feel more concrete.
  2. Jot down your current healthy habits: These could be related to physical fitness, mental clarity, emotional balance, or spiritual fulfillment. Think about what you're already doing and what you're eager to improve. For example, you can amp up your healthy bedtime routine by starting earlier, allowing yourself to get more sleep.
  3. Identify potential roadblocks: Consider any obstacles standing between you and your goals. It could be time constraints, distractions, or even personal doubts.
  4. Envision your upgraded self-care routine: Write down any steps you can take to overcome roadblocks and elevate your habits.

Use this self-awareness exercise as your compass, steering you toward a more elevated version of yourself. These notes can help guide you during the next 9 days but aren’t set in stone. Stay flexible on this journey and give yourself grace.

For more inspiration, explore how self-care and self-compassion go together.

Tell us how it goes today here or reply on Twitter, in our private Facebook group or Instagram. Remember to tag us with #healthynurse!

Join us on day 2.


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Blog Challenge Tips 10/10/2023 2:08pm CDT

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