Take a Power Nap - Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation - Everyday Vacations challenge - Day 6 4621

Take a Power Nap - Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation - Everyday Vacations challenge - Day 6


A quick snooze, also called a power nap, is like a secret weapon. The Sleep Foundation says that power naps lasting 10 to 30 minutes can help you feel more awake. Napping for less than 20 minutes can boost your alertness and functioning right away without leaving you groggy.  

The key is to take a short power nap in the early or mid-afternoon when it’s less likely to interfere with your nighttime sleep. 

Incorporating a power nap into your day might call for some strategic planning. During your break, find a quiet and comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Consider using a sleep mask and earplugs to create a more peaceful environment. Set an alarm so your nap doesn't go beyond the 20-minute mark.  

Note: Before doing today’s tip, educate yourself on your organization’s policy regarding napping at work and follow it accordingly. 

If you can’t nap at work during a break, dedicate time for a quick snooze at home. Find a quiet, comfortable spot and close your eyes. Even if you don’t fall asleep, a 20-minute rest will benefit your body (and mind). 

How do you feel after a power nap? Let us know here or reply on Twitter, in our private Facebook group or Instagram. Remember to tag us with #healthynurse!

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Blog Challenge Tips 12/18/2023 7:45am CST

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