How do you tackle biased language - Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation - Embracing Allyship Challenge - Day 7 4739

How do you tackle biased language - Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation - Embracing Allyship Challenge - Day 7


Words have power. The language we use can either reinforce stereotypes or promote inclusivity. It can either lift someone up or tear them down.

Being an ally requires the ability to challenge unfair language heard in the workplace. Whether it's correcting a colleague's use of a derogatory term or suggesting more inclusive phrasing, every effort counts. When words become more respectful, the entire environment becomes more respectful.

If you hear biased language, respectfully offer alternative, inclusive language. Use phrases like, "Let's use more inclusive language" or "Could we rephrase that to be more respectful?"

Consider these examples:

Example 1

Biased language: "I can't believe they hired another foreign nurse. Their English isn't even that good."

Appropriate response: “How well someone speaks English doesn’t reflect on their nursing skills. Many nurses who speak English as a second language are excellent at their jobs. Our team thrives on diverse perspectives, so let's embrace that and learn from each other."

Example 2

Biased language: "She's too emotional to handle that situation."

Appropriate response: “Let's not jump to conclusions about someone's emotions just because of their gender. We all have tough times, so let's be here for each other."

Use these scripts as guides, but tailor them to your situation. Then, infuse them with your unique personality. When we prioritize language like this, we can create a workplace where everyone feels valued and respected.

Get inspired — see how #healthynurse Maria Scholz, MSN, RN, CGRN, tackles incivility in nursing.

How are you doing in the challenge so far? Share with us here, in our private Facebook group, or on Twitter, or Instagram - Tag us with #healthynurse! 

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Join us on day 8 - A sneak peek: Improve your active listening skills.

Missed Day 6? Catch up here.


Blog Challenge Tips 04/16/2024 4:38pm CDT

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