

I commit to bringing my bear spray on my solo hikes for the 2 legged bears, and obtain conceal carry training/obtain permit so I can defend my self if needed.  I've been in uncomfortable situations on the trail (not just hikers use the woods), and I don't want to be an easy target.  Personal safety and self defense knowledge should be considered by ...

Added by Suzanne Woletz Blog Commitment to Safety 10/25/2017

I will improve my safety at work by getting more people to help me lift heavy things, even if it takes longer to get help. 

Added by Lauren Cain Blog Commitment to Safety 10/23/2017

I'm continuously on a self-instigated rush...I'm going to stop putting myself, my family and my community at risk, and PUT THE PHONE DOWN (unless I'm the passenger).

Added by Jennifer Rasp-Vaughn Blog Commitment to Safety 10/12/2017

Hello, I have trouble in maintaining safety for myself more than the patient. I need to learn how to improve safety to myself, so I can protect the patient and myself properly. I used to take care of the patient holistically and give them the optimum care and not to wait others’ favor. Therefore, sometime I feel that my safety is not important in some points ...

Added by Hanin Bantan Blog Commitment to Safety 10/05/2017

My commitment to safe patient handling is to make sure that I use the mobility aids that are available to me each and every time I move a patient in order to keep myself and my co-workers safe.

Added by Cassie Bosch Blog Commitment to Safety 10/03/2017

Explore Other Blogs By Domain

Your safety matters. This domain covers a wide range of topics - from staying alert at the wheel to safe patient handling and mobility.

Rest breaks and healthy sleep are not only restorative - but are key to your health and to providing safe patient care. This domain addresses strategies and guidelines for restorative sleep, workplace breaks and napping, and managing shift work.

Quality of Life
Your work, home life, family, and other commitments frequently compete for your time and attention. This domain focuses on the elements that improve the quality and balance of your life including your physical, financial, social, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Physical Activity
Nurses are often on their feet all day but fall short of recommended national guidelines for physical exercise. This domain includes strategies for overcoming barriers for guidelines and meeting exercise guidelines.

It isn't easy to find time for healthy eating. On average, nurses consume less fruits, veggies, and whole grains than other Americans. This domain covers recommended guidelines for dietary health, managing diet at work, and overcoming barriers to nutrition.

Mental Health
The nature and stresses of the nursing profession can take a toll on your mental health. This domain deals with your psychological affect and health. Mental wellbeing practices, stress relief resources, and personal stories are just some of the assets included here.

Most Recent Comments

I commit!
by RNGabby on Safety
I commit to this challenge.
by RNGabby on Safety
Even if it is more time consuming or requires grabbing more equipment I have to do it to keep myself injury free.
I will commit to turning off my phone while driving. There are many times that I think it is okay to send a quick reply. This is too dangerous especially when there are other passengers in the vehicle. Safety should be first hand commitment for the safety of myself and passengers alike.
My first goal for Healthy Nurse Healthy Nation.  Time to work on bad habits.